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How to Measure, Dimension and Specify Arc Length In Inventor Sketches.

Dimensioning an arc in an Inventor Drawing

By default Autodesk Inventor will dimension the Radius of an Arc in a sketch. So how do you find the Length of the Arc? And what if you want to specify the Arc Length to drive your sketch?

Measuring the length of an Arc in an Inventor Sketch is easy. Just use the ‘Measure Loop’ tool.

Inspect Tab > Measure Panel > Loop

Measuring a sketched Arc with Inventors Loop tool



But this won’t allow you to use the Arc’s length in Parameter’s and Formula’s.

A Parametric Arc Length?

Unfortunately Inventor doesn’t have an ‘Arc Length’ type of Dimension Parameter in sketches. But it is pretty easy to grab the length of an Arc using a Formula.

To Get the Length of an Arc

To get the Length of an Arc to use in your Equations you will need:

The Formula is:
Radius * ( Radians / 1 rad )
Finding an Arc's Length In Autodesk Inventor with a Parameter


To Drive the Length of an Arc

To drive the Length of an Arc you will need:

The Formula is:
ArcLength * 180 deg / ( Angle * PI )

Driving an Arc's Length In Autodesk Inventor with a Parameter

Visual Feedback

If you want visual feedback of the Length of the Arc you could add some sketch text, and pull in the Value you are looking for.

Adding an Arc's Length in Autodesk Inventor with Sketch Text


Annotating an Arc’s length in an Inventor drawing

You can add a dimension annotation in an Inventor drawing to give the length of your arc using the ‘General Dimension’ tool.

Annotate tab > Dimension Panel > Dimension Tool

Inventor will automatically pick the radius of the Arc. Just right click to get the ‘Length’ option.

Annotating an arc in an Autodesk Inventor Drawing File

The Final result will look like this:

Dimensioning an arc in an Autodesk Inventor Drawing File


I hope that you enjoyed this sketching tip!

Read this post to find out my Top Tip for creating Inventor sketches ‘Sketching – Keep it simple‘.