What is a Blog?


A ‘Blog’ is a Web page that can easily be updated on a regular basis. For example a Blog can act as an online diary, journal, or newsletter.

You can use RSS or a ‘Feed’ Reader to Subscribe to a Blog. This makes a Blog a really useful and even powerful way of sharing thoughts, ideas and information.

‘Blog’ is short for ‘Web – Log’ and was originally designed to be a way of listing, or logging links to interesting web sites that people reading the Blog may like to visit. Blogs quickly became more like an online diary, and have since expanded to become part of a personal News service.

A Blog is usually written by one person (a ‘Blogger’) but it doesn’t have to be a monologue – it can be a conversation. You can contribute by leaving a comment at the end of the post. Your comments will be available to everyone who visits the Blog and You can even comment on someone else’s comment!

Each post is archived, so you can search a Blog for information that is interesting to you. If you can think of a subject, you can almost guarantee that someone will be ‘Blogging’  on it. Just check out the Google Blog Search Engine!

Here’s a great Clip that explains it much better than I can from the good people at Common Craft.

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