D3D Live 2013

D3DLive 2013! Were you there?

When I am old and in my dotage, I will listen to the young CADlets that gather at my knee;

'Gee grand-pops' they will say - 'were you really there?'

'Yes!' I will say. 'I was at D3DLive 2013!'

Ellis Furniture Autodesk Inventor User of the year

Autodesk Inventor gains momentum for furniture makers

Do you use Autodesk Inventor for Furniture design, Joinery, Cabinet making or Millwork? You do? Great!

Over the last few weeks a number of stories have caught my eye that might also interest you. Read more to find out about Ellis Furniture (This years Autodesk Inventor user of the year) Studiworx new bespoke training package for Joinery and Microconcepts acquisition of the distribution rights for Tools4Inventor

Flatter files iPhone and iPad support

Do you wish you had Flatter files?

This post isn't about z-heights in AutoCAD, it's about document management silly :) No one who has created more than one or two drawings and wants to share them with their team wants to manage them using Microsoft windows. No one. Yet many of us have to. The problem is one of trust. Without some S__t hot document management standards (and a big stick) nobody trusts the 'system', so nobody uses it. How often have you been asked for 'the very latest set of drawings' even though you know that the set of drawings on the server are up to date?! There have been plenty of software solutions created to solve this problem, in this post I'm talking to Chris Vaught about his new web based document management systems - Flatter files.

The blue abstract 3d tunnel from a grid

An introduction to the Inventor Mesh Enabler from Autodesk Labs

The Inventor Mesh Enabler is a free (But time limited) technology preview that enables Inventor users to work with imported Mesh data.

As shipped Inventor 2012 can import mesh data from Catia, STL and JT files. The Mesh Enabler for 2013/2012 adds the ability to post process the imported mesh data to convert the mesh features to Inventor Base features.

Find out how it's done in this quick tutorial.

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