Between the lines. How to create a PDF from AutoCAD with a single click (and a bit of typing).

I recently had a guest article published on Shaan Hurley’s ‘Between the Lines’ Blog. This is one of the most exiting things that has happened to me (in my time as a blogger) since Lynn Allen Tweeted about The CAD Setter Out!

Shaan’s Blog was one of the first CAD Blog’s I started reading (many moons ago) and was one of the inspirations that encouraged me to try my hand at blogging in the first place. For me, having this post published by Shaan is is as good as being published in a National magazine or newspaper!

Thanks very much Shaan Hurley!

In the meantime, please follow the link if you browsed here because you really did want to find out how to create PDF’s from AutoCAD with a single click.

How to create a PDF from AutoCAD with a Single Click

4 Responses to “Between the lines. How to create a PDF from AutoCAD with a single click (and a bit of typing).

  • hello,
    This was another goode xample of your help.Thank you.

  • Thanks for the comment Nina,

    If you are using Autocad 2008 or previous you may have to find another solution for creating PDF’s. Autocad has had PDF support since 2009. Creating PDF’s from Autocad only takes a couple of clicks – and the results look very professional.

    It’s worth mentioning that there are FREE app’s which allow you to plot your DWG’s to PDF – such as cutePDF

  • Nina Anderson5
    14 years ago

    I use a software for creating PDF documents because this is the way if you want to get professionally-looking results. Smart PDF Creator does this in a couple of clicks.
