How to fix your AutoCAD 2007 to PDF solid hatch problems
Thanks very much to Brian M Curran for this Guest post. If you have a burning desire to see your favourite CAD tips or comments on the web – get in touch – Paul-
After an AutoCAD drawing is created, it is common to need a PDF version of the drawing. If the correct printer/plotter is not specified in the page setup for plotting, then solid hatching, or other parts of the drawing, could appear not solid in the PDF.
Here is an example:
Click to see the full size image
I run AutoCAD 2007 and AutoCAD LT 2012 in my drafting service business. I complete most of my projects with AutoCAD 2007. I’ve still been using 2007 instead of 2012, just because I’m a typical creature of habit. While using AutoCAD 2007 I’ve found that when I print an AutoCAD drawing file using a third party print driver, or the Adobe print driver, that’s when I get the solid hatch problem.
In discussing and reading about this problem I’ve heard it mentioned that this problem isn’t really a problem if the drawings merely need to be printed. It is true that when PDF format drawings with the solid hatch problem are printed, that the inconsistency in the solid areas do not appear in the printouts. However, most of the time I need to deliver to my clients PDF files. Therefore PDF files that aren’t perfect are not acceptable for my requirements.
The fix to the solid hatch problem is quite easy. Select the DWG to PDF writer, when selecting your printer/plotter.
The end result will be just what you were looking for! Here is the same drawing show above printed to PDF using the DWG to PDF writer:
Click to see the full size image
That’s all there is to it! I hope the DWG to PDF writer creates beautiful solid hatching for you!!

This post has been a guest editorial by the New York City based CAD Consultant Brian M. Curran. Besides aiming to be the best provider of as-built drawings there is, Brian enjoys guest blogging and social networking within the online CAD community.
Hi Nerys,
Please could you post your question on the Autodesk AutoCAD Forum?
Not only will your question get answered quicker than waiting for me, you will get the benefit of many experienced users offering their help :)
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If you create a thread on the Autodesk forum, please return here and add a link to your thread so that we can join in the fun :D
I’ve just experienced a similar problem. I save my AutoCAD drawings DWG to PDF and they print out just fine on my home printer, however, when I’ve gone to print the PDF using my uni printer, then I get random lines showing again?! Please can you help with a solution? I need to send my drawings to a printers to be printed at A1 and I’m now worried they will print with these lines.. Everything looks fine in the PDFs so I’m a bit confused.
After plotting a DWG drawing to pdf all the hatches are visible but when l have to print out the drawing some of the hatch disappear. can you please help with that problem.
Hi Belle,
I recommend that you publish this question on the Autodesk forums – there are lots of people who love to help there! If you post on the forum, please link back to it here to help people find an answer in future.
Here’s a link to the forum:
In the meantime, It could be to do with layer transparency:
It could be to do with the size of the PDF:
Which PDF plot driver are you using? Does it help if you switch to a different PDF Plot driver?
Maybe the problem is not with the hatching. Open your properties manager and check to see if the layer that is not printing has a strike mark through the printer.