What’s left to learn?

I spotted this question on the AUGI forums, and it made me stop and think. How do you find out what you don’t know?

dailo.nam432787 asked:

Hi guys,

I am a 3 year cad operator, been doing this since i got out of school. During my 3 years in oil and gas, I’ve been using programs such as autocad, procad and Cadworx. Since the day I’ve started up until now, I’ve been learning new tips and tricks with each software. This is what ive learned to do thus far;

-Modify .Pgp parameters & use hotkeys for every day to day commands
-alternate default CUI macros

My question for the community is, what else can I learn/do with the software to better enhance my efficiency with the software? I know there is a TON more for me to learn with the program, i just dont know what those things are. Anyone with immense knowledge about the software, please dont be shy

thanks in advance

You can read the full thread here: cadso.co/H4XqmS 

You know what you know

Many of us have no formal training with our CAD software. We picked it up of our friends and colleagues and once we found a way of working – we got stuck.

How do you know there’s more to learn? You asked the question.

You know what you don’t know

If you know you’d like to learn more about AutoCAD’s Blocks, Scripts or Layers (for example), there are plenty of resources out there for you. You can spring for formal training with an Autodesk VAR or at you local college or you can read a book, watch a video, or attend an event such as Autodesk University.

But how do you find those killer tips that will help you to spend more time singing along with you CAD software without having to trawl through a lot of training material?

You don’t now what you don’t know

My biggest tip for you is RSS feeds!

RSS feeds allow you to sign up to many resources on the internet, such as Blogs, Wiki’s and even forums (Here are some suggestions). By signing up to a bloggers RSS feed, you can get their best pearls of wisdom dropped into your ears eyes on a regular basis.

Signing up for an RSS feed to a web forum might seem a bit random, but I can honestly say that I’ve learned a vast amount just from reading peoples questions – let alone trying to think of an answer!

Over to you

You already worked out the right question – how do I do this better/faster/cheaper?

You already asked the right people – the people on the forums.

You are well on your way to becoming a CAD expert.

Good luck!

7 Responses to “What’s left to learn?

  • Patrick Hughes
    11 years ago

    Tips and techniques are of course excellent ways to increase your efficiency as is customization. The later providing greater improvements as well as a more consistent product.

    There is another method that can produce even greater results however it involves greater effort, experimentation, and perhaps power that the typical “CAD Operator” may not be granted. Also, it may not provide immediate results but it is very much worth the effort. So here it is.

    Question the way things are currently done. Is your current wok flow providing you with the best product? In what ways can I improve what I’m currently doing? If you are now working in 2D how can a transition to 3D be implemented and what CAD software (along with third party apps) is best?

    Mostly, plan for improvement and efficiency, review and critique the results, and adjust accordingly.

  • I make it a point to take the first 10 minutes of each morning to scan my tipsters. That’s when I’m sharpest so I’m more likely to retain. I’ll then file/ filter the offerings into folders based on timeliness. NOW, SOON, OH YEAH and SOME DAY. NOW will have current project tips. SOON will have things I should have in my tool box but am not needing right now. OH YEAH is the way cool stuff that I want to see more about. The SOME DAY folder is way back burner stuff. This is the first folder I go to when I need more disk space.My dreams go there and I need them. They help me focus on what’s really important. At the same time I’m reminded that too many dreams are just clutter. Sigh, delete, live. Now I’m ready to produce.

    • That’s food for thought Tony. When you say ‘folders’ – do you mean that you subscribe via Email? Or are your working with Web pages themselves?

      • I subscribe via email. The folders are in my email program. That way I can access them from my home computer or Phablet when not at home or work. Through email I can link to anything.

        • Thanks for clarifying that Tony – So would it bother you if I switched the RSS feed on CSO to ‘excerpts only’? I’ve been having a lot of trouble with content scraping recently…

  • These are great tips on learning more. You can always learn more. If you have learned everything (well, you are wrong in your assumption) the next release will have more to learn. you have to stay vigilant in your quest for more CAD knowledge. The original poster is in the right direction. They were in AUGI looking for new and wonderful things. Another thing to do is to always read this blog and to follow bloggers like Paul here on social media like Twitter, Facebook, Google+, and more. Always be on the search for new things. Pauls tip here about getting into RSS feeds is your best bet. The tips will automatically come to you. You don;t have to search for them. Sign up for email newsletters that offer tips and tricks.
