How to adjust the Snapshot pixel resolution in Adobe Acrobat Reader

Do you regularly need to capture images from PDF Files using Adobe Acrobat viewer? This tip will help you to keep those images looking sharp!

I came across this tip from Frank Kellog as a comment on a PDF data extraction tip on the CADalyst site:

‘A setting I recently found in Adobe, is under Edit | Preferences | General, there is an option to set the snapshot tool resolution to a fixed number. I use 300pixels/inch’

The Adobe Acrobat Reader Preferences

300 PPI is a good resolution for printed images. 96PPI would be fine for on-line documents.

The Adobe Acrobat Reader Fixed pixel resolution

You can now use the Marque snap shot tool to capture images from a PDF file at a vastly improved quality.

The Adobe Acrobat Marquee select snapshot tool


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