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Paul Munford

Paul Munford welcomes you to

Thanks very much for visiting – is it your first time? No problem, you’ve come to the right place.

I am passionate about Computer Aided Design. I think that using a computer to develop designs for manufacturing should be easy, intuitive, and fun! Sadly, computer programs are written by people… and are therefore flawed, kooky, and often throw up unexpected results.

Let me help you out of that rut…

However – knowledge is power. We are all guilty of falling into a rut in the way we use our CAD software. There is often so much power within our CAD package that we just don’t use.

Often just a little knowledge can help us to use our CAD package more productively, more efficiently, and more effectively – leaving us extra time to drink coffee and surf the web get more drawings done for the benefit of the company.

My productivity secret

I’ll let you into a secret – I’m a lazy drafter. I don’t think that creating my drawings should take any more effort than it really has to. To this end, I am constantly looking for opportunities to learn cool new stuff about the CAD packages that I use every day.

I started writing the CAD Setter Out Blog as a way of distributing my favorite CAD tip, tricks & tutorials to my friends and colleagues and now I hope that you will benefit as well…


To help you find what you’re looking for, is broken up into a number of categories:

Autodesk Inventor Tutorials | Autodesk Inventor Tutorials Autodesk Inventor tips Tricks and Tutorials, because I know that you are all looking for a more Intuitive and easier way to produce your drawings. Find out how to create a coordinated BOM from separate sub-assemblies, how to copy an Inventor Assembly and how to use Inventor’s various modelling techniques.


AutoCAD Tutorials | AutoCAD TutorialsAutoCAD, tips, tricks and tutorials, because I know a lot of you only have access to AutoCAD and you just need to make the best use of it. Learn about Line type scaling, How to set up your workspace,  and how to deal with Text Masking.


Technical Drawing standards | Technical Drawing standards What drawing standards apply to the UK manufacturing Industry and how to get your CAD package to use the BSI EN and ISO standards correctly. Still think BS 308 is current? Be prepared to learn about the new standard – BS 8888.


Reviews | CAD Reviews There is new software, apps, cloud services, hardware and books coming out all the time. Read what I make of the latest tools, gadgets and gizmo’s here. Want to know what Autodesk 123D is all about? Want to know what’s included in the new Inventor product suite?


Resources | CAD Resources I’ve searched the web, so you don’t have to. Links to useful information for Engineering, Woodworking, building Construction and Architectural fabrication from around the web. Find out everything you never knew you needed to know about recess screw drives, download free 3D models of nuts, bolts and screws and discover free tutorials.


Personal posts | Personal posts Cool stuff, news and personal opinion – anything that doesn’t fit in the above categories. Find out what Setting out is all about, where the traditions of setting out came from, and why Setter out’s aren’t designers


Guest posts

I don’t just write for the CAD Setter Out! Find out who else I’ve been writing for to here.

Would you like to write a post for the CAD Setter Out? Contact me to find out how.

Looking for something else?

You can explore the full site map here. Finally, if you have a problem with AutoCAD or Inventor and you really need help – Go Here!
