Balancing the four values for productive CAD

Zen and the Art of Technical Drawing

Drafting is a high stress job. We have many 'customers' and we can never please everyone. We know that if there are any problems, people will always blame the drawings. Working as a Drafter can make you defensive, crotchety and jaded. Can you still say what it is you enjoy about drafting? You can? Hang on to that thought - it's important.

No one can work productively and with their full concentration indefinitely. Like all things in life there is a balance.

In his book The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen R. Covey discusses four personal values that must be kept in balance to maintain your effectiveness. In this post I try to relate their balance to the role of the Drafter within the CAD Office.

The CAD Setter Out - Technical Drawing standards

What makes a great Technical Drawing?

What makes a good technical drawing a great technical drawing? What criteria do YOU judge your drawings by?

I polled the CAD community on this question - and I had some great responses. You can find out the results in this post.

From Good to Great concept diagram

Taking your Drawing Office from good to great

When my good friend George found out about my new job, he recommended a few pertinent books to read.

My good friend George is unusual, in that - as well as being a time served wood worker, he also holds a degree in accountancy. In short, when George gives me some advice I listen.

Reading: 'Good to great' by Jim Collins

Halstock Cabinet makers Ascot table

Moving on up – Moving on out

After four years of hard graft, I’ve finally decided to part ways with my current employer to try out something new. Although...

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