Did you ever go to grab some AutoCAD geometry and accidently 'Nudge' a control instead?
I was trying so show my colleague Steve some cool stuff today, when I accidentally moved one of his toolbars. Thankfully, Steve had saved his workspace, so no harm done.
However it did prompt Steve to ask the question:
‘How do I lock the position of my toolbars?’
I thought that this would make a good subject for a quick tip, and I cooked up this video to go with it – enjoy!
Designers Love swoopy ‘Organic’ Shapes. Unfortunately fabricators like defined geometry. Sometimes it falls to Us to convert one to another.
This post takes you through AutoCAD's various options for converting Ellipses and Splines into Arcs and lines and when all else fails, you can always re-draw them the Old Skool way!