Autodesk Inventor surfacing. An introduction to G2 Surface continuity

Surface modelling is the art of building complex geometrical features - one surface at a time. Usually surface modelling is used to create flowing, organic shapes, so the junctions between surfaces are terribly important.

In this post we learn about a G2 surface relationship - what is it? what does it have in common with G0 & G1 relationships?

Autodesk Inventor surfacing. An introduction to G0 Surface continuity

Surface modelling is the art of building complex geometrical features - one surface at a time. Usually surface modelling is used to create flowing, organic shapes, so the junctions between surfaces are terribly important.

In this post we learn about a G0 surface relationship - what is it?

Autodesk Inventor surfacing. An introduction to Surface continuity

Surface modelling is the art of building complex geometrical features - one surface at a time. Usually surface modelling is used to create flowing, organic shapes, so the junctions between surfaces are terribly important.

We describe the 'smoothness' of a junction, where one surface meets another, using the term 'G' (G stands for 'Geometry'). We can add a suffix to our G to describe how many like characteristics each surface has. The more alike the surfaces (the more conditions that match across the pair of inputs) the more smoothly the adjoining surfaces flow.

Learn Surface modelling for Autodesk Inventor is launched!

Do you need to model complex ‘organic’ models in Autodesk Inventor? Are you finding it a struggle? I know that...

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