The Ultimate Rookies Guide to AU art work Twibbon

The ultimate rookie’s survival guide to Autodesk University

A University? Just for CAD? I know - it sounds crazy, but it is a real thing! (Kinda). Autodesk University is a conference for people who use Autodesk's Computer aided design software. The conference was born out of a collaborative event originally organised by AUGI, and it has now grown into the largest event of it's kind in the world. in 2013 more than 9000 people attended It's kind of a big deal ;)

AutoCAD 2015 Blogger Council Day

AutoCAD Blogger day 2015 – in conclusion

The AutoCAD 2015 Bloggers day was my kind of event :D

The opportunity to visit San Francisco was amazing, One Market was cool, Pier 9 was awesome and being the first to know about AutoCAD 2015 was a treat - but the highlight of the weekend was meeting all the people who make these things happen.

AutoCAD LT desktop subscription

AutoCAD 2015 Blogger day – Pick and mix Suites?

No one wanted to be critical of Autodesk while enjoying their hospitality, but I could tell that this was a subject that most of the bloggers at the table felt passionately about. In my own personal opinion, that's because we are often the ones who have to explain Autodesk's pricing decisions to our bosses - and justify the cost!

so - Is the new AutoCAD LT 2015 'Desktop Subscription' (Licence Rental) offer from Autodesk value for Money?

AutoCAD 2015 Blogger day – Pier Nine

Pier Nine is the workshop in which Carl Bass's Minions work on the technology to support Carl's quest for world domination. The Autodesk Helicarrier/Flying fortress is being developed here along with all the equipment required by Carl's swat team - the 'Industructables'.

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