5 Quick tips, Autodesk Inventor Application Options
‘Hi – I’m Jon Landeros’…
Listening to Jon Landeros narrate a video is like having warm Autodesk Inventor honey poured into your synapses. If you haven’t watched any of Jon’s tutorial videos yet, check out Jon’s blog here.
When Jon agreed to write a guest post for us, I snapped up his offer straight away. Please enjoy.
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5 Quick tips – Autodesk Inventor Application Options
When Paul asked me to contribute to this post, he suggested a few of “My Favorite Inventor Settings” would be a good subject. And I agreed. I’ve wanted to write a post like that for a while, but I’ve just never gotten around to it.
I know. Shame.On. Me.
But now Paul has given me the opportunity to create this list, and I’m grateful to participate!
Before I get started, these are settings that I prefer for my own installation. You may prefer different settings, you may even prefer settings that are completely opposite of mine.
And that’s okay. Like the preprogrammed buttons on your radio, it’s all what makes you happy!
Part Environment Application Options
The first are a couple of settings I change right away.
By default, Autoproject geometry for sketch creation and edit is off. I prefer it on, so I turn it on. I like having reference geometry projected for me automatically, especially when I create new sketches. So that one gets changed!
Right below that, is the option to Look at sketch plane on sketch creation and edit. This one I turn off. This is the option that turns your active sketch so you’re looking straight at it. I don’t like the fact that it changes the part orientation for me.
Inventor 2015 made significant improvements on this feature but even then, I’d rather just do it myself. Add to that I also use a 3DConnexion device, which I prefer for orienting my components.
So this setting gets turned off right away.
Also in the part environment, is what I consider a hidden gem called Show Extended Names. You’ll find this one under the browser.
Turning this on shows more information about the features, such as type, and key dimensions right next to the icon. I like having the extra information.
Finally, at least for the part environment I like to turn on the Repeat Command options for my work features. By default work features like work planes, work axis, and work points, are “one and done” tools. That is, when you place a work feature, the tool exits.
However, if you right click before placing the work feature, the command will stay active until you turn it off. Now you can place as many work features as you need!
This covers my changes in the part environment, but there are a few more I change in the assembly environment.
Assembly Environment Application Options
This first is found in Application Options, and is located on the Assembly tab. I like to turn on Display component names after relationship names.
Now, when you look at your constraints in the browser, Inventor will show you the names of the components that constraint is acting on. Similar to Show Extended File Names, I like having the extra information it provides.
Another setting I change is found when creating a component in an assembly. Located in the Create Component dialog box, the option is Constrain sketch plane to selected face or plane.
I prefer to put in my own constraints. So you probably guessed it! I turn this one off.
Drawing Environment Application Options
The last two settings I change is for the drawing environment. Both are found in Application Options on the Drawing tab.
I change the default behavior for Non-Inventor DWG files to Import from Open. My reason is simple, when I’m using Non Inventor DWG files in Inventor, I’m almost always importing them, not opening them directly. This simple option prevents me from having to manually tell Inventor to import every time.
The other option I turn off the Display Line Weights option.
I don’t seeing line weights on my screen. That’s pretty much my reason for it. I just don’t like it. I know it probably makes our drafting teacher’s spin in their graves, but it will still print fine, don’t worry!
- Inventor – Lineweights on
- Autodesk Inventor – Lineweights off
That’s it! These are settings that I change on my personal installations. I’d encourage you to take a look and see if you want to adopt any of these for yourself!
If you would like to read more like this, try:
Five quick tips for Autodesk Inventor sketches
Thanks Jon,
Did Jon miss any of your favourite settings? Share your experience by leaving a comment below.

Jonathan Landeros is a Mechanical Engineer who has been using Autodesk Inventor for over 15 years. When he worked in the manufacturing industry, he designed sheet metal stamping tools, and hinges and latches for electronic enclosures.
Jon is currently an Applications Engineer for KETIV Technologies in Southern California, where he works with a team supporting Autodesk Solutions; teaching users how to use Inventor, helping customers install Autodesk Vault and how to leverage other dynamic mechanical solutions that streamline their processes.
His passions include writing for his blog InventorTales, showing his appreciation for historical military aircraft by volunteering at Planes of Fame Air Museum, as well as taking mechanical courses to earn his certificate as a Aircraft Maintenance Technician.
That is really nice, thank you guys.
I didn’t know about “Repeat Command” option but like any AutoCAD geek I use space-bar to repeat my last command in Inventor as well.
Well done,