Top ten CAD Blogs

Here’s my Top ten Computer Aided Design Blogs* in order of personal preference.

1. The Open Design Project

Mark Randa’s Inventor/iLogic/Woodworking Blog

Mark is one of the few people out there Blogging on using Inventor for Woodworking projects. He is also an iLogic guru.

Mission Table Design – A 3D Parametric Mission Table Designed with Autodesk Inventor


Deelip Menezes’s CAD Industry Blog

Deelip has Become the top guy with the insider news from the major CAD vendors. If you want to know what’s going on – read this Blog.

3. Inventor Tales

One Geeks experiments with Inventor, Vault and showcase.

Jon’s Blog is always interesting and relevant. If you are interested in Inventor – this is one to follow. Occasional Autodesk Showcase Candy.

4. Kung-Fu Drafter

CAD-centric, Geek peripheral

Almost Never about CAD. Curt Moreno encourages us to have a life outside work by Blogging on Films, Gadgets and other cool stuff.

5. CAD Panacea

R.K. McSwain’s CAD Blog

6. The CAD Geek

Donnie Gladfelter is author of the book AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT: No Experience Required.

Donnie Blogs regularly on Autocad and Autocad Civil 3D.

7. Lazy Drafter

How to grow technically and professionally for the Lazy Drafter

Todd Shackelford encourages to work smarter – not harder! A good read for CAD managers.

8. Daily AutoCAD

Erhan Toker’s CAD Blog

There really is something new everyday on this Blog. A great read for Autocad Newbies.

[Edit: Since I compiled this list, Daily AutoCAD has sadly been shut down.]

Working on LAYOUTs 1 - Understanding The Difference Between PaperSpace and ModelSpace

9. CadNauseum

Steve Johnson’s Cad Blog

Steve is not an Autodesk Fan boy! Get his informed, intelligent and sometimes blunt opinion here.

10. Ask the CAD Geeks

TATA Cad Geek Squad – We have the answers to your question

The CAD Geeks Blog on Inventor and Autocad. Always something new. Check it out.

Inventor Part Files – Linking to Excel


*Not including Autodesk Blogs – I did them last week!

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4 Responses to “Top ten CAD Blogs

  • is pretty cool industry blog

  • Thanks for the #1 spot Paul! Now it looks as though I will need to get my butt back in gear and post! I’ve been on an intensive contract job on the West Coast helping set up an ERP system that uses Autodesk Inventor/iLogic as an engine. Unfortunately I cannot post details yet…..but I do need to get back in gear and post!

    Thanks Paul,

    Mark Randa
