AutoCAD plotting and page setups

The easy way to Import AutoCAD Page Setups

Did you know that there is an easy way to import your page setups into your current drawing? Hint - you can import them from your template file!

AutoCAD Page Setup manager

An Introduction to AutoCAD Page Setups.

This tutorial shows you how to use Autocad's 'Page Setups' to save your plot configurations. This will save you time - every time you plot.

Cading && Coding an AutoCAD publish tip

CADing && Coding, An Easy Way to Publish Drawings from Different Folders.

Mohammed Haris shows us a great tip on how to sort and publish DWG files from various folders using drag-and-drop and the Publish command

The AutoCAD Plotting Dialogue - More Arrow

Autocad Plotting, What is hidden beneath the Plot Dialogue arrow?

Did you notice that Little Arrow in the bottom corner of AutoCAD's plot dialogue? Find out what's hidden beneath this little Easter Egg in this post...

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