BIM Show Live 2012

BIM Show Live 2012

Did you miss the CAD Setter Out at last years BIM Show Live! It's not to late to catch up with me this year. I'll be talking about Digital Prototyping and Architectural Fabrication - Come along, it should be fun!

D3D Live - Cadaroo!

D3D Live! Conference review 2012

If you've never read Develop 3D (D3D) magazine – you really should.

D3D is a magazine which is passionate about design and engineering. 'CAD' features in Develop 3D, but as part of the context, rather than as the star.

The team from D3D tell the stories of the interesting, the unique, and the innovative in product design and manufacturing - and this year (for the first time) they decided to bring these ideals to a FREE conference – D3D Live!

Cadaroo Planned - AU 2011

Autodesk University 2011, Nexus 360, Fusion for Mac, and Software for all.

Did you get to Autodesk University this year? Na - me either. Read this post to find out the best of what happened this year at AU 2011 here. BIM 360, Nexus 360, Inventor Fusion for Mac and software for everyone!

Digital Prototyping Forum 2011 - Banner

Autodesk Digital Prototyping Forum 2011

If you can't attend AU this year, and you are missing the AUGI CAD camps, then I hope that you managed to get to Autodesk's Digital prototyping forum in Birmingham (UK).

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