Cading && Coding an AutoCAD publish tip

CADing && Coding, An Easy Way to Publish Drawings from Different Folders.

Mohammed Haris shows us a great tip on how to sort and publish DWG files from various folders using drag-and-drop and the Publish command

The BSI UK Construction industry Brochure

British Standards : The Construction Industry

You can find out more about the British, European and International standards and the Building Regulations that are relevant to the construction industry here (Including Euro codes).

The CAD Setter Out - Autodesk Inventor

AutoCAD and Inventor, 2D to 3D Conversion through DWG True Connect.

Do you use AutoCAD to for your Joinery shop drawings? Are you considering Autodesk Inventor but are worried about learning the new software? Check out this video by Andy Rahden, which shows how you can use AutoCAD and Autodesk Inventor in conjunction.

Using Multiple Hyperlinks with Block Attributes | CAD Notes

CAD Notes | Using Multiple Hyperlinks with AutoCAD Block Attributes

Did you know that you can create Hyperlinks from many Objects inside Autocad to documents on your company server or even on the web? Edwin Prakoso of the CAD Notes Blog shows us how it's done...

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