Cadalyst - The Online magazine for CAD users

How to open or save a DWT, Outside of AutoCAD’s default path.

Have you ever browsed to the folder you want to open a drawing from – changed the file type to DWT and then been really annoyed when Autocad’s ‘Open’ dialog flips you straight to the default Template folder?

Do you want to know how to improve performance in large, complex AutoCAD drawings containing hatches?

How to improve performance in AutoCAD drawings containing hatches

Do you want to know how to improve performance in large, complex AutoCAD drawings containing hatches? Find out more in this Article from the Autodesk AutoCAD Help and Support Site.

Ellen Finklestein's AutoCAD Tips Blog

AutoCAD Tips Blog | How to Add Hyperlinks to AutoCAD geometry

Did you know that you can create Hyperlinks from many objects inside Autocad to documents on your company server or even on the web? You could link an AutoCAD block to the manufactures website, or a paper space layout to your office standards PDF. Ellen Finklestein shows us how to add Hyperlinks to AutoCAD.

Autodesk University Learn Connect Explore

Autodesk University, Are you attending?

You are attending? You lucky so and so’s! If you’ve never been to Autodesk University then I highly recommend it. You will not find a more exciting and vibrant place (if you're a CAD geek) and it’s held in Vegas Baby, which is a life experience in itself. Find out more about the benefits of attending AU, and what you can do if you can't attend...

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