Wood Screw Head Types

Do you know your Countersunk from your Pan Head? do you know What a Fillister head is? How about a Bugle head? If you are not certain, check out this handy info graphic. This post includes a downloadable AutoCAD file...

Setting Out Classical Mouldings

Check out this handy Guide showing the Setting Out points and proportions of Classical Mouldings. Includes PDF download.

AutoCAD Wood screw Dynamic Block

The CAD Setter Out’s World Famous Dynamic Wood Screw AutoCAD Block

Dynamic Blocks are a great tool for creating re-usable AutoCAD contents that has a limited range of options.

Check out this Block of a wood screw...

Robertson Screw Ad

Everything you never knew you needed to know about Recessed Screw Drives

A 'Screw Drive’ is the system used to turn a screw. The drive is a feature on the Screw's head that allows the Screw to be turned.

Read the rest of this Article to find out more about the different types of recessed screw drives.

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