Setting Out Classical Mouldings
Classical mouldings are the bread and butter of any drafting office, but I am always forgetting the Setting Out points! I have put this page together as a reference for us all.
You can download the a PDF at the end.
Download “Classical Mouldings Chart AutoCAD File” – Downloaded 1624 times – 49 KB
Hey CadSetterOut,
I really like your architectural drawings, do you know if these follow the true proportions of the orders? We are a cabinet company looking for proportions of these exact kind of mouldings and architecture, and ultimatly looking to use them in .dxf files for CAD. Is there a way I can contact you via email?
Hi Jeremy,
I took the proportions for these drawings from ‘The Carpenter’s Assistant’:
Personally – I would stick to mouldings from a company such as Trend or Master Cut:
But, if you are grinding your own Knives then the sky’s the limit!
You are welcome to get in touch If you would like the CAD file:
Thanks for taking the time to comment :)