How to use Autodesk Design Review with Inventor, to create, mark up and round trip DWF files.

Have you heard about Design review? Do you use DWF’s for sharing drawings electronically? To find out more about Autodesk’s rival to PDF – read on…

Kevin Keene of Avatech has written a great tutorial showing us how to use Design review with Autodesk Inventor for the Cadalyst magazine  web site.

What is DWF?

DWF is Autodesk’s version of PDF. Autodesk’s DWF viewer and mark-up software is FREE and DWF is a much better format  than PDF for viewing and marking up drawings. However it hasn’t taken off and PDF is still dominant in the UK building construction industry.

Can I use DWF and PDF together?

It’s worth noting that Design review will open PDF files. Although it will automatically convert them to DWF, you could still print a PDF after you have added your mark ups and notes.

Where can I find out more about DWF and design review?

You can download Design review from the Autodesk web site.


Kevin Keene Cadalyst Autodesk Inventor and design review


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