Five Pillars of Effective CAD Management

Five pillars of effective CAD Management | Autodesk University 2016

Come and meet Paul Munford at Autodesk University 2016. Paul will be presenting 'Five pillars of Effective CAD Management'.

CAD Management: Learning to ask great questions!

To perform my job as a Drafter, I have to have all the answers. To do well as a CAD manager, I'm learning the power of asking questions!

I'll bet we all do it. As professional technical experts we like to have all the answers. When asked a question we like to give a thoughtful, well considered and above all complete response.

It's a difficult habit to recognize in yourself, and a difficult habit to break. After all, it's a habit that has been successful - so far!

It's my belief that great CAD management can only happen when you are trusted. The people you work with have to believe in you, and they have to trust you - so how can asking questions earn trust?

The CAD Setter Out - Technical Drawing standards

CAD Standards, Less is more?

We have a lot of customers for our Drawings. From the Architect and main contractor on  site, to our own manufacturing and fitting teams, everyone has different needs and requirements from our drawings.

I'd like to think that we've done a pretty good job of satisfying all of our customers, but have we done too much? Have we been too accommodating? Would a simpler set of drawings be just as effective? I liken it to a Jenga tower. You build it up - and then you start poking bits to see what wobbles!

Do you review drawings?

What does a good set of drawings look like to you? Since starting my new job, I have been working hard to understand the needs of our internal customers - but there is a group that is harder to reach... YOU! At least, those of you Architects, Engineers and Designers who are responsible for reviewing shop drawings or submittal drawing sets. So, let me ask you - What do you look for when you review a set of drawings? What makes your heart leap with joy as you turn the page? What makes you grind your teeth in frustration? I'd really like to know...

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