Autodesk Labs - ADN Plugin of the month

Review: ADN Plugin of the Month, Draw Order By Layer for AutoCAD

A review of the ADN Plugin of the Month, DrawOrder By Layer for AutoCAD

Shaan Hurley and the CAD Setter Out

‘Is that AutoCAD? Running on a Mac?!’*

Shaan Hurley was in London this week, and he put out an open invitation to anyone who wanted to see Autocad running on the Mac.

Find out what I thought of AutoCAD - for the Mac

AutoCAD Loves the Macintosh Platform

Have you checked out Autocad for Mac, iPad and iPhone?

Did you know that AutoCAD is now available for the Mac? Did you know that you can also run AutoCAD on your iPad or iPhone! I'm an Ex Mac User. Find our why I gave up my beloved Power Book, and what I make of AutoCAD for Mac in this post...

Mod the Machine Feature Migrator Plugin of the month

Feature Migrator for Inventor – Autodesk labs Plugin of the month

The FeatureMigrator can reliably migrate an assembly feature to the part level. This can save a lot of time and effort for the user when compared with the manual approach, i.e. creating the equivalent features in the affected parts.

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