Autodesk Inventor Questions

What’s left to learn?

I spotted this question on the AUGI forums, and it made me stop and think. How do you find out what you don't know?

Hi guys,

I am a 3 year cad operator, been doing this since i got out of school. During my 3 years in oil and gas, I've been using programs such as autocad, procad and Cadworx. Since the day I've started up until now, I've been learning new tips and tricks with each software.

My question for the community is, what else can I learn/do with the software to better enhance my efficiency with the software?

Well - what do you  think?

Autodesk Inventor from the top down

Driving Inventor with the top down, Live at AU 2012

Did you miss out on AU 2012 this year - shame on you ;)

Not to worry. It's not too late to have the best of the content come to you. Including the LIVE recording of my first ever class at Autodesk University...

End of the year round up 2012

Dance, Laugh, cry - ride the highs and lows of 2012 with us at

Do you review drawings?

What does a good set of drawings look like to you? Since starting my new job, I have been working hard to understand the needs of our internal customers - but there is a group that is harder to reach... YOU! At least, those of you Architects, Engineers and Designers who are responsible for reviewing shop drawings or submittal drawing sets. So, let me ask you - What do you look for when you review a set of drawings? What makes your heart leap with joy as you turn the page? What makes you grind your teeth in frustration? I'd really like to know...

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