Mastering Autodesk Inventor 2012 by Curtis Waguespack

Book Review: Mastering Autodesk Inventor 2012 and Autodesk Inventor LT 2012 By Curtis Waguespack

Just feeling the weight of this book lets you know it’s serious! Whether you are brand new to Inventor, an advanced user or a CAD instructor looking for material there is something here for you. Mastering Inventor takes you from the basic principles of 3D parametric design to advanced subjects such as Stress analysis and iLogic. Find out what I made of this book in this comprehensive review.

Cadaroo Planned - AU 2011

Autodesk University 2011, Nexus 360, Fusion for Mac, and Software for all.

Did you get to Autodesk University this year? Na - me either. Read this post to find out the best of what happened this year at AU 2011 here. BIM 360, Nexus 360, Inventor Fusion for Mac and software for everyone!

Autodesk Project Quickshare

Testing Autodesk Lab’s latest ‘CAD in the Cloud’ solution – Project Quickshare

First came, Project Freewheel, then Autodesk Freewheel, and then Project Nitrous. Autodesk have always been at the cutting edge of sharing drawings over the web. Autodesk's latest 'CAD in the Cloud' solution 'Project Quickshare', takes the HTML 5 DWF Viewer from Project Nitrous and allows you to upload your DWF's without downloading any software having to have an account.

Swift Prints collapsed Dialogue

Review: Swift Prints 2.0 For Autodesk Inventor

Check out this review of Swift Prints 2.0, a FREE Beta Plugin from that adds plot configurations to Autodesk Inventor.

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